Hip Hop

A high-energy dance form using the latest music mixed with movements that are influenced by some of today's top video choreographers. Hip Hop is a broad collection of urban street dance styles including breaking, popping, locking, turfing, jerkin' and krumping and often incorporates elements of freestlying.

Classes will provide a structured method of learning various styles of movement in a fun and vibrant environment. Each class will incorporate dance combinations and routines and will encourage individual expression and personal style.


Acrobatics is an especially challenging dance style for dancers.

Acrobatics requires a dancer to possess both dance and gymnastic skills; dancers must be in excellent physical condition to be able to cope with this physically demanding activity.

In this course, you will learn to leap, tumble, flip, roll & all sorts of fun things!

If you enjoy trying new things and would like to gain more balance, co-ordination and self-confidence, then this is the class for you!